Namo FlyingPopcorn 7.0
A tool to create dynamic visual presentations using a large variety of multimedia formats.
Namo FlyingPopcorn is a tool to create dynamic multimedia presentations using a large variety of multimedia formats that include text, images, sounds, animation, Flash and other multimedia material.
The resulting creations can be published on the web, recorded to a CD or directly converted to a screensaver. There is a wide range of templates and examples included for those who are new to this sort of program.
You can edit the presentations and change things to your taste, like the colour, size, etc. It also lets you add sound and visual effects to improve projects, or create them directly with the sound recording functions. You can also add transition effects like fades, wipes. Cuts, etc.
Namo FlyingPopcorn also lets you create frames for images, and fast uploading to the Internet.